if any portal request revert base map to just before old.
Take a backup of map_data, map_zoombox.
1. check nearest back up of map_data(see below) or check sandpit map_data(if required basemap is there).
2. take the details from id 1 of map_data and filename (ensure which is there at /images/maps of ftp).
3. update following in map_data.
after updating Run geo calculate query.
UPDATE map_data SET
topleft_e, ' ', topleft_n, ', ',
bottomright_e, ' ', topleft_n, ', ',
bottomright_e, ' ', bottomright_n, ', ',
topleft_e, ' ', bottomright_n, ', ',
topleft_e, ' ', topleft_n,
image_density = (width * height) / ((bottomright_e - topleft_e) * (topleft_n - bottomright_n))
4. update ZOOMBOX0 with same
topleft_e topleft_n bottomright_e bottomright_n.